PGCon2009 - Final Release

PGCon 2009
The PostgreSQL Conference

Peter Eisentraut
Day Talks - second day - 2009-05-22
Room DMS 1150
Start time 13:30
Duration 01:00
ID 142
Event type Lecture
Track Version 8.4
Language used for presentation English


Doping for PostgreSQL

SQL/MED is Management of External Data, a part of the SQL standard that deals with how a database management system can integrate data stored outside the database. The implementation of this specification has begun in PostgreSQL 8.4 and will over time introduce powerful new features into PostgreSQL.

Applications of this feature set include linking to other database systems (PostgreSQL or others), configuring proxy servers, presenting XML or other structured data as SQL tables, and managing file system data through SQL.

This session will introduce the specification and interfaces, the current implementation plan, and will discuss applications and use cases.